“Midway” tells the true story of the USA’s Battle of Midway with Japan, a landmark during World War II. The film’s leading roles include master names such as Patrick Wilson, Luke Evans, Woody Harrelson and Mandy Moore. The director’s chair is taken by Roland Emmerich, who made his name in the history of cinema in science fiction. Since the day Emmerich – known for the movies such as Stargate, Independence Day, The Patriot and 2012 – announced that he will be in Midway, the film has taken its place among the most awaited war films of recent years. Bringing the Battle of Midway between the American and Japanese navies during World War II to the silver screen, the film tells the heroic stories of brave and undaunted soldiers that changed the course of the war on the Pacific Front. Placed at the top of the best war films of 2019 with a budget of 150 million dollars, the movie has proved that it’s visually distinctive with its trailer that had been released recently.
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