“Champion” is a love, hope and a life-like story based on the real life of champion racehorse Bold Pilot, jockey Halis Karataş, owner Özdemir Atman and Begum Atman, the favorite person of Bold Pilot. The adventure of Halis Karataş, who came to Istanbul to be a good jockey, begins with his acquaintance with Bold Pilot. But the picture that emerged at the end of this journey is far above the expectation of Halis: they have both become legends. They set off on the road to connect someone they both love, Begüm, to life; but something they don’t expect happens: they become the hope for a large society.
Turkey’s political instability, inflation and despair overwhelmed his years. In those years when the hopes were almost exhausted, the people were heartily tied to this horse and jockey, who managed to win all the races they attended from the backmost position. Because those people feel at the last meters of the race where these two are: the far behind. But that doesn’t mean they won’t win, because the race ends at the finish line and the first to cross that line is Bold Pilot with Halis Karataş.
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